Why Sunday Matters

The Lord’s Day in Contemporary Christian Life

“Our human natures require the Sabbath, which is why our Creator gave us this gift in the first place. Understanding what this means in the context of our current moment, in light of the signs of our very particular times, requires interpretation and discernment.”

-Charles Camosy, moral theology fellow, St. Joseph Seminary

“As a parent and priest who sees firsthand the tyranny of screen time and youth sports in the modern world, Father Whitfield makes a compelling case for rediscovering the ancient wisdom of the Sabbath.”

-Ashley McKinless, executive editor, American Media

For centuries Christians have gathered for worship and for rest on Sunday. But does that ancient practice still matter? Still deeply engrained in both the Christian and secular calendar, nonetheless, what Sunday is and why it matters is no longer clear.

Why Sunday Matters explores the forgotten reasons why Sunday is essential to Christian life. It also uncovers some of the contemporary obstacles keeping people from living Sunday faithfully.

From youth sports to our neglect of the poor to our addiction to technology, Why Sunday Matters takes a wide-ranging look at the importance of the Lord’s Day and why it’s urgent we recover the Christian practice of Sunday.

150 pages


Why Sunday Matters is simply a valuable pastoral gem, an effective response to the contemporary waning of the priority of the Lord’s Day, and a prophetic advocacy for true humanity.”

—Vincent C. Anyama, rector, Holy Trinity Seminary