A New Medium

My name’s Josh…Fr. Josh. And I’m a priest, a preacher. I talk and write a lot.

I’ve built a website, this one. My hope is that it’ll help me share, all in one place, cool and helpful things: homilies, reflections, talks, articles I’ve written, and so on. But also, more broadly, I want it to be a space to share ideas and prayers and hopes, that it becomes a space that’s also a light in the darkness of our online deserts, a gentle voice instead of noise, a voice of peace.

Jesus told his disciples “the gospel must first be preached to all nations” (Mk 13:10). It’s a mission which has captured the hearts of billions and brought change for the better, salvation too and the beginning of heaven. A high calling, undoubtedly. Nonetheless, this website belongs to that mission: to be part of that light which is truth and which I believe is Christ. At least that’s my hope: that this site takes its place among all those faithful voices crying in the wilderness, crying not noise but truth and peace and beauty.

Please visit again soon as this site will be updated regularly with fresh content. If I can help you, if you’d like to get in touch, please do. Also, check out my new book, The Crisis of Bad Preaching! Preaching is something I’m passionate about, and so I hope it makes a difference. I hope it helps. Even if you’re not a preacher, there’s still plenty in it for you.
