Joshua Whitfield

December 18, 2022

Homily: Taking Mary Home

December 13, 2022

Homily: New Juan Diegos

La Morenita opened her motherly arms and whispered, “Do not be afraid.” She said this to Juan Diego. She says this to you.
December 3, 2022

Homily: Don’t Repent Backwards

There’s an essay by C. S. Lewis that I have, ever since I first read it as a teenager, always remembered at some of the more frustrating moments of my life, moments especially of interpersonal aggravation.
November 27, 2022
"The Supper at Emmaus" by Jacopo Bassano, The Kimball Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas

Homily: Why Can’t You See?

I was walking with Peter, my son, through the museum the other day; he has an eye for beauty. I enjoy talking with him about the paintings we see.
October 16, 2022

Homily: Begging Prayer, Its Wisdom

Jesus had just been saying some mysterious things about the final advent of the Son of Man—a time when we will desire to see him, but will not be able, a time of false signs, scoffers, and the indifferent.
October 2, 2022

Homily: A Word to the Worn Down

I’ve told this story before about St. Philip Neri—from before he was a saint, from even before he was a priest.