Joshua Whitfield

July 10, 2022

Homily: The Fear to Go and Do Likewise

I can’t say I feel all that fit to preach today, given how I failed this gospel just a few days ago.
July 3, 2022

Homily: Does Our Witness Bear the Wounds of Jesus?

Paul said the time would come, a time when people would no longer “tolerate sound doctrine” but rather follow their own “desires” and “curiosity,” listening no longer to the truth but instead to “myths.”[1] Jesus too—he didn’t suggest his followers would be all that successful in their preaching either. The “world hates you,” he told his […]
June 26, 2022

Homily: If It’s Important To You

There’s a story I’ve always liked of an old Egyptian monk, from about 1,400 years ago, living in what today is called Wadi al Natrun, southwest of the city of Alexandria. He stepped out of his cell one night and saw the devil himself handing out gardening implements to all the other monks—shovels, spades, a scythe […]
June 19, 2022

Homily: What Hasn’t the Eucharist Changed?

It should change everything, what we do here.
May 29, 2022

Homily: The Wicked Walk in Circles

I keep thinking of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, what he said once, that, “The wicked walk round in circles.”[1]
May 25, 2022

Column: The Hellish Loop of Gun Violence