Joshua Whitfield

September 25, 2020

Humility Matters

To be a disciple means, simply, first to believe and then to be obedient.
September 18, 2020

What Doesn’t Matter

The last will be first, the first last. Jesus opened the kingdom to all—to gentiles, publicans, and sinners. He opened the kingdom to all who’d simply answer in faith and penance.
September 11, 2020

The Order of Forgiveness

September 6, 2020

Homily: Dante, Facebook, and We Bitter Distracted Pilgrims

To listen to this homily click here. Touring the underworld, Dante got distracted.
September 3, 2020

Candor and Love and Real Christianity

What is it to love someone? What is it to speak the truth? What is it to be faithful to God? These are question always present to the preacher, at least the good ones. But they’re also questions for you, for any who seriously call themselves Christians.
August 27, 2020

Conform Not

“Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Rom 12:2). That’s the lesson today—so simple to hear, so hard to learn.