Joshua Whitfield

June 7, 2019

Essay: A Priest for James Carroll

Graham Greene’s novel The Power and the Glory begins with the protagonist, the “whiskey priest,” waiting for a boat on the banks of the Grijalva River, contemplating his escape.
June 7, 2019

Fruits of the Pentecost Spirit

Last week we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. This week we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. And the Spirit knows no ascension. The Spirit is still upon us, dwelling within the Church, within us.
June 1, 2019

Ascension Praise and Prayer

Today much of the Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus. Appearing among the disciples and others after the resurrection, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven.
May 30, 2019

Column: You Must Read 1984!

Truth is a writer’s first responsibility. To conquer the lie, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said.
May 27, 2019

Column: What Will Memorial Day Make of Us?

What are we to make of Memorial Day?
May 26, 2019

Homily: The Bravery of Love (Jn 14:23-29)

The guardians of Plato’s just city had to be brave.