October 2, 2022

Homily: A Word to the Worn Down

I’ve told this story before about St. Philip Neri—from before he was a saint, from even before he was a priest.
September 18, 2022

Homily: Monsters More Real Than We Think

You really should read Dante, his Divine Comedy.
September 11, 2022

Homily: Real Hope has a Past

The genius and grace of our faith is that we’re allowed to begin again; we’re invited to start over—over and over again. No matter what; no matter how bad it gets.
September 4, 2022

Homily: Cowardice or Courage?

It’s a bit jaundiced but probably true, what Mark Twain said.
August 7, 2022

Homily: Grown-Up Christianity

Let’s review what we’ve heard these past few weeks. Let’s review what Jesus said.
July 23, 2022

Homily: Peace, Joy, and Defeating the Noonday Demon

Kathleen Norris, the spiritual writer, said it was a “force we ignore at our peril.”[1] She was talking about the spiritual affliction, the wicked thought, the sin called acedia—sometimes called sloth. Which happens to the best of us, many of us (which was Norris’ point).