September 12, 2021

Homily: Where We Often Don’t Believe Jesus

I’m not sure how many of us are on board with what Jesus just said here, unsure how many understand him or like what he said. I don’t really know where I stand either; I think I understand what he’s saying, it’s just I don’t think I’ve fully accepted it. Really, once you strip away all […]
September 5, 2021

Homily: What Makes Hope Real

He was an unlikely president, a playwright and political dissident: Václav Havel, president of Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s, just after the fall of Communism.
August 28, 2021

Homily: Don’t Lose Hope In Anything

It’s an image which has always haunted me, the first image of John Bunyan’s classic work, The Pilgrim’s Progress; haunting, as I said, but also strangely comforting.
July 18, 2021

Homily: To The Desert

“Before he begins to preach,” St. Augustine taught the would-be preacher, “he should raise his thirsty soul to God in order that he may give forth what he shall drink, or pour out what shall fill him.”[1]
July 3, 2021

Homily: The Sin of Those Who Know Him

I’ve told this story before, about a monk named Pachomius, one of the early fathers of monasticism.
June 27, 2021

Homily: The Great Tradition

It’s the great tradition.