November 6, 2020
Wisdom is “found by those who seek her” (Wis. 6:12). That’s the simple point of this Sunday’s readings, the point of the Church’s Sunday readings these past few weeks, in fact.
November 1, 2020
Click here to listen to this homily. It was on Mount Sinai long ago that God said, “I shall make you a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.”[1]
October 31, 2020
Dwight Moody, the great revivalist, appreciated fire and brimstone. He knew nothing better, he said, than the notion “that Our Lord is coming again” to “take the men of this world out of their stocks and bonds.” As a preacher, he knew it worked, that it moved souls.
October 29, 2020
“Few of the documents,” writes the historian John O’Malley, “bumped along such a rough road as Nostra Aetate.”[1] It’s a remarkable story—tense and dramatic—the story behind this very brief Declaration of the Second Vatican Council. It all began in September 1960 when Saint Pope John XXIII asked Augustin Cardinal Bea, a German Jesuit biblical scholar and […]
October 25, 2020
Click here to listen to this homily. It was the prophet Jeremiah that was doomed to preach the doom of the kingdom of Judah, a calling to which he was faithful all his bitter life. Preaching to a people too proud of their heritage, too presumptuous and assured of the blessing of God upon them, they […]
October 22, 2020
“But to live a just and holy life,” St. Augustine writes, is “to love things, that is to say, in the right order.”