February 23, 2020
To listen to this homily click here! At the beginning, he made us in his image.[1] And he made us, it says in Genesis, for the simple purpose of companionship. “It is not good for the man to be alone,” God said.[2] So it was that in that paradise place there was shared a love between […]
February 21, 2020
Think with me, please, on the organ and the organist. There’s something to learn.
February 9, 2020
In the novel An Accidental Man by Iris Murdoch there’s a scene at the beginning of the death of the matriarch of a well-to-do middle-class family in London. The nearly-deceased was not really loved, or at least there was little positive affection in a family comprised of members so benignly self-centered. They were awkwardly present at […]
February 7, 2020
“For if we consider the life of Christians in our churches…they have no style of life.” -Jacques Ellul