Don’t give up praying. Ever.
I know it’s hard, that sometimes it feels silly or even pointless. But still, don’t give up. Not because of some belief that God will somehow finally listen to you, finally call your number; don’t give up because it’s often the case that it’s the sort of prayer which seems dead and silly which is best. Strange as it sounds, such prayer is often just the sort our souls need for growth and spiritual maturity.
Because when we keep praying, even without any consolation, we’re showing ourselves faithful to the Lord. By being faithful in prayer, even when prayer seems pointless, we’re showing God that we’re not praying to him simply for benefits received. It’s the difference between shallow and genuine friendship: shallow friends are your friends only because they receive some benefit from you; genuine friends are always there no matter what, because they really love you.
That’s why we should pray, especially when we receive no consolation. Because we’re showing God we truly desire his friendship, not just the benefits of friendship. Truly, it’s valuable and powerful prayer, preceding much grace. Which is why you should never give up praying. No matter what. Ever.
So, pray. No matter what it does or doesn’t feel like. Because God is listening, and he loves you. He’s preparing your soul for him.