
April 1, 2021

Homily: Holy Thursday and the Hidden Kingdom

This is the “night he was handed over.”[1] The night the slow murder began.
February 1, 2021

Homily: The Presentation and Catholic Parenting

January 31, 2021

Homily: Seek the Real Christ

For those who attended last Sunday’s talk, the first in our series called What We Believe, today’s readings probably make a bit more sense to you than they otherwise would have.
January 24, 2021

Homily: The Choice Essential to True Conversion

Marinus was a Roman soldier serving in Palestine in the latter half of the third century, a good soldier by all accounts. The trouble began when he was promoted to the rank of centurion.
December 27, 2020

Homily: What Makes Families Holy?

“I gave thanks to the Lord that I was separated from my father,” she said. “I was comforted by his absence.”
December 24, 2020

Homily: God’s Sympathy

It is difficult, I know, at times, to make sense of it.