Why Jesus Keeps Asking

Jesus asks Peter more than once, “Do you love me?”

That’s always struck me, that he asked the same question three times. For me, I’ve always read this exchange between Jesus and Peter in terms of myself and my own laggard love. I think, “How many times would Jesus have to ask me?” Sure, I say I love Jesus, but looking at my life, I’m certain Jesus would have to ask me repeatedly whether I really meant it. Do I love Jesus? I say I do, but, really, do I? If I’m honest, I’ll admit I deserve repeated questioning too.

But here’s the grace: Jesus keeps asking the question. That’s his mercy, that he is patient enough, with Peter and with us, to keep asking, “Do you love me?” Which is what’s so beautiful about this story from the end of John’s Gospel, the it shows us Jesus is willing to walk patiently with us, coaching us, hoping in us, until our love is perfected and we become the disciples he’s calling us to be.

So, imagine Jesus asking you, “Do you love me?” How many times do you think he’d have to ask you? And what do you think he would mean asking you this question? That is, where in your life do you not love Jesus? Where, like Peter, have you denied him? These questions are the beginning of truth and real Christianity. They’re questions genuine disciples ask of themselves. So, don’t be afraid, ask them yourself.

Because Jesus is patient, and his mercy is endless, even for you.