Joshua Whitfield

March 14, 2020

Homily: That Love that Loves the Worst

Just before his death, so the story goes, Saint Augustine excommunicated himself.
March 12, 2020

The Water to End Thirst

The image is thirst. The miracle is water.
March 8, 2020

Homily: The Key Called Promise

It’s a common custom, among some, to take up a little extra reading in Lent—something different, something spiritual, something to open the mind and the heart. I do this; I try at least to read something good for the soul, something different, something I’ve not read before or not for a long time. It’s good for […]
March 6, 2020

To Persevere in the Way of Christ

“Alas, poor man! is the celestial glory of so small esteem with him, that he counteth it not worth running the hazards of a few difficulties to obtain it?” -John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress        
March 1, 2020

Homily: When Demons Come

Simone Weil, that strange and beautiful philosopher, simply called it “attention.” That was the key to the heart of things for her; “attention,” the mark of genuine Christianity, genuine philosophy, genuine religion. It was, for her, the only way to open oneself to the divine, everything else being something of a sham. “The quality of attention […]
February 28, 2020

The Harmonies of Lent

Lent, fundamentally, is about harmony.