July 18, 2021

Homily: To The Desert

“Before he begins to preach,” St. Augustine taught the would-be preacher, “he should raise his thirsty soul to God in order that he may give forth what he shall drink, or pour out what shall fill him.”[1]
July 3, 2021

Homily: The Sin of Those Who Know Him

I’ve told this story before, about a monk named Pachomius, one of the early fathers of monasticism.
June 27, 2021

Homily: The Great Tradition

It’s the great tradition.
May 23, 2021

Homily: Stranger Saints

It was a religious procession ready for war.
April 17, 2021

Know Scripture, Know the Mass, Know Christ

Ignorance of Scripture, St. Jerome said, is ignorance of Christ. We’ve heard this often. We know it’s true.
April 3, 2021

Homily: Easter, The Only Revolution

This is the night, very simply and gloriously, of our salvation.