November 15, 2020
Click here to listen to this homily. Our great state of Texas is, of course, home to the best music in the nation—the best country music, even the best gospel and blues. I’ll honor no objections from any of our visitors from Mississippi, Alabama, or Tennessee. While preaching, I limit myself strictly to facts, you see, […]
November 13, 2020
Hope isn’t about thinking of the future but about keeping faith in the present. Hope is a now thing.
November 6, 2020
Wisdom is “found by those who seek her” (Wis. 6:12). That’s the simple point of this Sunday’s readings, the point of the Church’s Sunday readings these past few weeks, in fact.
November 1, 2020
Click here to listen to this homily. It was on Mount Sinai long ago that God said, “I shall make you a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.”[1]
October 31, 2020
Dwight Moody, the great revivalist, appreciated fire and brimstone. He knew nothing better, he said, than the notion “that Our Lord is coming again” to “take the men of this world out of their stocks and bonds.” As a preacher, he knew it worked, that it moved souls.