February 24, 2020

Love: A Theological Meditation on Lent

For Saint Augustine, love proved everything.
February 23, 2020

Homily: How Christians Die by Love

To listen to this homily click here! At the beginning, he made us in his image.[1] And he made us, it says in Genesis, for the simple purpose of companionship. “It is not good for the man to be alone,” God said.[2] So it was that in that paradise place there was shared a love between […]
February 21, 2020

Column: What Your Church Organist Can Teach You

Think with me, please, on the organ and the organist. There’s something to learn.
February 13, 2020

Canceling Jesus

Today we’d “cancel” Jesus. Let’s just be honest.
February 9, 2020

Homily: The First Thing You Should Know

In the novel An Accidental Man by Iris Murdoch there’s a scene at the beginning of the death of the matriarch of a well-to-do middle-class family in London. The nearly-deceased was not really loved, or at least there was little positive affection in a family comprised of members so benignly self-centered. They were awkwardly present at […]
February 7, 2020

Salt and Light and Vanishing Christianity

“For if we consider the life of Christians in our churches…they have no style of life.” -Jacques Ellul