January 31, 2021

Homily: Seek the Real Christ

For those who attended last Sunday’s talk, the first in our series called What We Believe, today’s readings probably make a bit more sense to you than they otherwise would have.
January 24, 2021

Homily: The Choice Essential to True Conversion

Marinus was a Roman soldier serving in Palestine in the latter half of the third century, a good soldier by all accounts. The trouble began when he was promoted to the rank of centurion.
January 23, 2021

Column: Listening Better to the Blues

Listen to B.B. King’s “Why I Sing the Blues.” This time, really listen: his soulful singing, Lucille’s crying. They belie the lyrics.
January 2, 2021

What the Magi Teach Us

“Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance” -Isaiah 60:3
December 27, 2020

Homily: What Makes Families Holy?

“I gave thanks to the Lord that I was separated from my father,” she said. “I was comforted by his absence.”
December 26, 2020

The Holy Family and the Purpose of Ours

This Sunday is the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Appropriate just after Christmas Day, the Church asks us to contemplate the first Christian family, and to let the light of that Holy Family illumine our families.